TJBK - Items filtered by date: December 2016
Wednesday, 07 December 2016 05:11

Seeing Red...and Orange and Neon Green

After kittens bottle-feeding, my new favorite feel-good passtime has become watching videos of colorblind people seeing color for the first time. The emotion is so much, it's overwhelming just to watch. I can't imagine how much the experience must affect the people who are actually experiencing it! As someone for whom bright, vivid colors are crucial to life, it brings me joy to see them discover those colors at last.

Sunday, 04 December 2016 03:13

Cat Man of Aleppo Bombed

This is heartbreaking. This man is one of the most beautiful souls I've ever heard of and I can't stand the fact that his family and cats are going through such hell. I wish there was a way to stop this complete and utter insanity. I don't understand humanity at all. Why does our species suck so very much and when will intelligence and wisdom finally catch up with our technology? Any human who thinks that our species is more civilized than any other is just hilarious. No, we're not. We're more technologically advanced but our behavior as a species is far worse than any wild animal.



All content within the photo, video, artwork and writing sections are the property of Jagged Edge Arts and should not be replicated without permission. Images used in the blog and elsewhere are credited wherever possible.

About Me

I'm an enthusiastic writer and artist who spends too much time lost in her own imagination. I work as an editor and photographer and am obsessed with ancient mythology, space travel, and little glass and stone trinkets.

Contact Details

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