Saturday, 25 July 2009 12:31

In which Matt Barr is a pretty boy psychopath...

I loathe One Tree Hill and all teen high school shows like it. That said, I do like actors who can convincingly play bad guys and, having recently seen and loved Harper's Island, one of my favorite characters ended up being Sully, played by Matt Barr. I looked him up afterwards and saw that he'd played a total nutjob on OTH. Surpressing my hatred for the show, I decided to check out his episodes (or more specifically, his scenes) and loved his performance.

So on that note: icons!

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About Me

I'm an enthusiastic writer and artist who spends too much time lost in her own imagination. I work as an editor and photographer and am obsessed with ancient mythology, space travel, and little glass and stone trinkets.

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